Thursday, February 11, 2010


Hey Everyone!
So this is officially my first blog!!!
I know kinda exciting! Well I have been a fan of the Tyra show for years now and love how her outreach is to help ladies and girls love themselves for exactly who they are flaws and all.
My whole life it seems I have tried so hard to be perfect and be a cookie cutter image of what I thought beauty was. After watching many Tyra episodes and having some amazing mentors and a ton of help from God, I am finally beginning to see what real beauty is.
I have went to lengths from eating disorders, hair extensions, tanning, tons of makes up, excessive shopping, excessive work outs and thats just the start. All this in order to try to find happiness and perfection. I was thinking maybe I'll be accepted and loved if I just change this and fix that about myself.
Although shopping is way fun and stellar you can't let the things of the world control who you are.
We can't let magazines, tv, and people define who we are.
The only one who has the right to define us is the one who created us
JESUS and he says I have made you and you are perfectly and wonderfully made!!!
So as a start to this blog I am posting a photo of myself make up free!!!! Big stretch for me!
I did this Kinda just to show how sometimes outward beauty is no more than loads of make up some good hair extensions, nice manicure and petti and some stylish clothes. I very frequently have people complimenting me on my outward appearance and just think girl if you only knew the hour I spent on my hair and the loads of make up and this weave in my hair. That is by the way really starting to hurt. With that said if anyone can be beautiful one the outside with the right hair and makeup stylist and the fashion stylist. That all comes off or wears off eventually and what really matters is the goods on the inside!!!!
I really began to realize lately if I spend more time focusing on God and his plans and desires for me. How much is loves me and start helping others and asking what can I do to help you today, and far less time only caring how I look and if my outfit is good enough to go shopping in. I think it would make God proud and We can really bless others!!!
I still will always love make up, and shopping but sometimes it's okay to put on some sweat pants wash your face and just be the good old YOU!!!!

Hope you will check back for fashion tips stuff God is doing in my life and words of encouragement.

Ladies we're in this together!!!
Keep on Shining !!!!!


  1. Sorry for the Few typos!!!
    See far from perfect!!! :-)

  2. My dearest Stephanie-
    I’m so thrilled to see you’ve started this special blog!
    I know God will use this to encourage other women, young and old.
    Bless you for daring to be transparent, so others can be empowered!
    I’m so proud of you!
    Love you tons!!!!

  3. Thanks Pam,
    I thought since Tyra always talks about her's that it might be kinda fun.
    Its way stellar how you can post it on FB and Twitter in just a click so I liked that.
    Any how see Ya Saturday!

  4. Amen sister and congratulations on joining the blogging world Stephanie!!! I really love, "The only one who has the right to define us is the one who created us
    JESUS and he says I have made you and you are perfectly and wonderfully made!!!" So true!

    Love you and am praying for you as you get ready for May 4th!!! YAH! *Hugs*

  5. Stephanie,
    I just stumbled across this today, I'm so glad I did! You look absolutely gorgeous without make-up! I love the natural look! I hope you are doing well! I look forward to more posts so I can keep up with your life!
