Saturday, February 13, 2010

Wedding Daze

So I really didn't realize until lately all the planning that goes into getting married! I guess I kinda had an idea and thats why I wanted to make it easy and just do Vegas.
Which really did help on a bunch of the planning. Since we are having a reception party when we return I need to get all the invites out, look for some stellar speakers for our dance out back that we are having, Find a nice outfit to wear, make a dance playlist. (Cuz i am going to try my hand at DJing). SMILE.
Still trying to remember everyone to invite, work on decorations and that is really only the start. Willem's mom is helping beyond measues and hosting this, so that is a huge help. She's the best!
Anyways with that said. I really started out thinking this is going to be really fun because I love planning and organizing. Towards the end of the day yesterday. I was beginning to just feel like I had nothing accomplished and started feeling overwhelmed with only two months left to get everything done.
Jesus then really helped me realize that sometimes we just need to focus on the moment that we are in. We need not to get so caught up in the future plans that we take very special moments for granted that we are never going to get back!
Sometimes we just need to take a breathe and thank Jesus for each and every special moment that he gives us!! He has everything in control and says DON'T WORRY!!!
So my song of the day is Rebecca St. James song DON'T WORRY!
God takes care of the birds and makes sure that they are fed. He is going to take care of all our worries and concerns. The small ones and the big ones!!!
I am so thankful to have him on my side!!!!

So today I am just going to take some time to reflect how blessed I am to have Jesus always watching out for me and giving me peace even in the moments I am completely overwhelmed.
He even knew I didn't want to spend a fortune on Wedding invites so he helped me find some really cute ones yesterday that I am going tie ribbon on and I am very happy with them.

What are some things that God has given you a peace about and what has he been doing in for you?
I would love to hear from my peeps!!!
Any Wedding Ideas or anything you would Recommend too???

Have a Happy Valentines Day!!


1 comment:

  1. steph,
    I think u should wear your wedding dress to your reception because everyone is going to want to see it! also for your blog you might want to change the comments thing to allow annoyomous comments that way ppl without an account can still leave u comments. i found that super handy 4 my blog :)
